Well, we put the boat to the test this past weekend spending an overnight drifting in the intense fog all night off of Nauset inlet. We caught some great bass and huge bluefish but we were tuna fishing so it was tough. Our plan wasn’t the best either for our first overnighter on the new rig, but we left Friday night w/ a crew of tourney vets, and trolled for tuna east of Chatham in the thick fog. After dark, we drifted a few miles offshore, threw over some eels and bluefish hoping to catch something while we waited for first light to hit the tuna again. No luck.
Even the next morning the tuna just did not want what we had to offer or how we were offering it or whatever but they were there and we were in them – at least for an hour. We trolled for a few hours with nothing but breaching whales everywhere and then it turned on – we chased down the tuna casting sebiles and a few other plastics at them, dragged squid bars and chains right over them but couldn’t get them to hit. Either way, the trip was a blast and an adventure, and the boat performed like a champ which is most important.
This is why it is time to get back to bass fishing and back to thinking about our own team can take the best shot at placing in the tournament this Saturday. We do not have much of a strategy at this point but I also think that most teams do not have as things do not seem to be all that consistent around here. We hope to get our heads on straight this week and do some pre-fishing, and are ready to make a run at the title this weekend. Where to start? Where to go after that? Bait? Wire? We’ll figure it out.
All I know is that the t-shirts are in and look sweet. We’ll have some at the party after, but let us know sizes/numbers if you want in. If we run out, don’t worry, just make sure you give us name/number/sizes and we’ll get more made and get them in your hands somehow.
A few more boats keep rolling in, including Andrew who runs the Monomoy Shootout which looks like another cool local tourney at the end of June. Check it out at www.themonomoyshootout.com – who knows, maybe we’ll do a saltwater series points system between the two tourneys next year (Andrew’s idea actually – but a good one).
One week away. Let’s do this.
Even the next morning the tuna just did not want what we had to offer or how we were offering it or whatever but they were there and we were in them – at least for an hour. We trolled for a few hours with nothing but breaching whales everywhere and then it turned on – we chased down the tuna casting sebiles and a few other plastics at them, dragged squid bars and chains right over them but couldn’t get them to hit. Either way, the trip was a blast and an adventure, and the boat performed like a champ which is most important.
This is why it is time to get back to bass fishing and back to thinking about our own team can take the best shot at placing in the tournament this Saturday. We do not have much of a strategy at this point but I also think that most teams do not have as things do not seem to be all that consistent around here. We hope to get our heads on straight this week and do some pre-fishing, and are ready to make a run at the title this weekend. Where to start? Where to go after that? Bait? Wire? We’ll figure it out.
All I know is that the t-shirts are in and look sweet. We’ll have some at the party after, but let us know sizes/numbers if you want in. If we run out, don’t worry, just make sure you give us name/number/sizes and we’ll get more made and get them in your hands somehow.
A few more boats keep rolling in, including Andrew who runs the Monomoy Shootout which looks like another cool local tourney at the end of June. Check it out at www.themonomoyshootout.com – who knows, maybe we’ll do a saltwater series points system between the two tourneys next year (Andrew’s idea actually – but a good one).
One week away. Let’s do this.