It is time to dig in!
It’s mid-May and we are coming up on the 8th annual Headhunt tournament. When we first started this tournament with three boats 8 years ago we were extreme amateurs with a rough boat and little to nothing to expect. It was back then we just wanted to get out there to catch a couple fish without screwing up our gear or spinning our wheels fishing in the wrong spots. Looking back it is actually funny to think of how well we did (numbers-wise at least) without an exact plan in place.
It is years later and we have a bigger much better boat, better gear, but we are pretty much in the same place as we were back then. Now we think a lot more about our approach, we expect much better results, and we spend more money doing it…but do we really catch more?
Plus, it seems like we get out less and less as the years cruise on. Once the kids get older, I hit the lottery or the fuel prices drop a bit at least things will be perfect!
Yeah right!!!
We made it past the end of the world yesterday so we are all “good” other than the fact I finally sat down at my laptop with one kid sick and another crawling on my back begging for attention and the freaking space key on my computer is broken.
The computer is not even two years old and another thing is busted. I will never by anything but a Mac ever again is all that I can say.
What day is it again? Oh yeah it is late May and I have yet wet a line since our Everglades fishing trip just over a month ago.
More importantly than any of this is the fact that my family just finished up the Cystic Fibrosis “Stride with Pride” walk today at Veteran’s Park in Hyannis. Everything else is so trivial when compared to things such as those folks and their friends and families who are affected by awful diseases such as CF.
My family and I walked today with a great group of people along the Hyannis Harbor coast to help raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation. We walked for team Jemmies Jammers. Personally, I walked for Emily Flanders who was one of the most inspiring kids/people I ever had the chance to meet, her sister Jenn who I did not know who passed away before her, our family friend the sweetheart Molly Whelan, my student Justin Pikulski’s mom who recently passed away from CF and the so many others who are so much less fortunate than my family and me.
I just want to give thanks to what I have but I still like to bitch as it keeps me on my toes and it keeps me sane. But back to fishing. Did I mention that if I do not get out soon I may lose it?
The boyz in Plymouth limited out in Plymouth today in less than a half hour which is good to hear. If I hear it again before I get something it will not be good but for now it is good. Nice job Ethan and Greg and whoever else was on your boat other than me.
The reports have been great so far from what I have heard and read. Could we get some more regular reports on this blog from folks? Poppa Dock out of Westerly R.I. is making it happen along with Bassmaster Ben out of Westport MA and it looks like our personal Plymouth reports are also beginning to light up with the arrival of a bunch of baits both North and South of Harwich.
If you do read the blog let us know how it is to respond to and whether or not you are having trouble with a post as regular fishing updates with photos is the main thing that is I think is missing on this message board.
July 9th is coming fast and furious so get involved with us now to help us get this year’ tourney rolling.
We had to go early this year due to my brother’s birthing schedule which is going to make it harder than usual to pump it up out here where things are a little slower than the rest. But we can do it.
Does anyone else out there give a shit about taking a solid run at this competition again????
If so, I need to hear and I need t hear it soon. The season is upon us and we just cleared another apocolopyse of sorts so let’s get out there.
Throwing in the towel on a simple, cool, local, fair, competitive, festive, striper fishing tournament just seems stupid when I really think about it.
I’m ready to get out there. I need some fishing stories to tell and talk crap about before it is August and all I am able to brag about are my beautiful vegetable garden and my boring ass average golf game.
I pride myself on my yard and my plants and my average golf game do not get me wrong but who gives a shit about my or your vegetables or my golf game or any of that type of shit?
In fact, do we really care about a cool fishing story or report? More than any of that other stuff a fishing adventure and competition means more to us and most others more than any of that other type of stuff.
Let’s get talking about some real competition again and let’s get some ongoing fishing reports going on this blog.
Let’s go!
Who is with me?