The clock is ticking and love the pick up in chatter. Burnie keeps yelling at me to take this to Facebook, which I probably should, but also don't want to open this up to the masses. Either way, keep it up, and clamp it Burnie.
Anyway, t-shirts are a bit different this year. As you know, they have been screwed up 6 out of the past 10 years, and my brother has pretty much separated himself from the tourney until game day, partly because of the shirt debacle. Regardless, they are getting made, and made early this year. Same deal as last year though - $200 to get in the tourney, which comes with 4 shirts. Difference is you need to get your registration in early (will send cut off date soon but sooner the better) otherwise we may just take some orders at the party. You would be amazed at the complaints on sizes and crap from a bunch of salty dudes over a $15 t-shirt, but whatever. Shirts will be sweet, will come with the registration and if you have more than 4 people on board, just send in sizes on the form for extras ones and we will make sure we have them.
In other news, our stalwart 11 time tourney vet Benny boy is now a certified Beluga whale hunter and NOAA cover boy. He has been taking his skiff up the Assonet and Tauton rivers recently - slaying the stripers and tog - and Sunday came across a freaking Beluga whale - up the river (forget which one), and south of the freaking north pole where they live. He called in NOAA and a bunch of others who confirmed it was a Beluga and that the last sighting was 25 years ago, and in Provincetown. Unreal. Keep up the good work Benny and between that and the sailfish last year in the canal, something is up. May have to increase species count next year for the tourney to get Beluga on the list.
Send any emails to me for registrations and I'll get those over ASAP. Eat it.
Anyway, t-shirts are a bit different this year. As you know, they have been screwed up 6 out of the past 10 years, and my brother has pretty much separated himself from the tourney until game day, partly because of the shirt debacle. Regardless, they are getting made, and made early this year. Same deal as last year though - $200 to get in the tourney, which comes with 4 shirts. Difference is you need to get your registration in early (will send cut off date soon but sooner the better) otherwise we may just take some orders at the party. You would be amazed at the complaints on sizes and crap from a bunch of salty dudes over a $15 t-shirt, but whatever. Shirts will be sweet, will come with the registration and if you have more than 4 people on board, just send in sizes on the form for extras ones and we will make sure we have them.
In other news, our stalwart 11 time tourney vet Benny boy is now a certified Beluga whale hunter and NOAA cover boy. He has been taking his skiff up the Assonet and Tauton rivers recently - slaying the stripers and tog - and Sunday came across a freaking Beluga whale - up the river (forget which one), and south of the freaking north pole where they live. He called in NOAA and a bunch of others who confirmed it was a Beluga and that the last sighting was 25 years ago, and in Provincetown. Unreal. Keep up the good work Benny and between that and the sailfish last year in the canal, something is up. May have to increase species count next year for the tourney to get Beluga on the list.
Send any emails to me for registrations and I'll get those over ASAP. Eat it.