Every year, as the fish are slowly migrating north for their spring arrival, my wife starts to migrate to our closets. I don't really understand the instinctual pull, but for some reason she goes through a marriage testing process of cleaning every room, and purging me and the boys of our clothes. I'm not sure I hate anything worse. Anyway, I fought off my closet long enough but was forced into the dungeon on a lovely Saturday night last night. My wife makes me take everything out, and then put stuff into piles, "trash", "donate" "put away for winter" and "keep". Then we battle.
Last night we almost divorced over the Headhunt.
The "trash" pile is always too light for her, and she argues that I don't need that many 'fishing shirts' and more should go in the trash. She also takes my stained shirts and takes them out of the 'donate' which I don't understand because don't people just need clothes? Anyway, things typically are ok until we get to the Headhunt.
As you know, this is the 13th year, so we have piled up a few years of shirts. We've had some misses in ordering early, had a few misses in style (my brothers famous last second decision to change the shirts to tan color), a few misspellings ("Shoot the thrill" anyone?) a few missed sponsors and a few disagreements that have resulted in 'special edition' shirts. Either way, I try to maintain at min a 50% of my wardrobe being Headhunt flavored. It may be the best thing about the tournament since we never win and typically brawl a few times. At least I get a few (or more) good shirts out of it.
So last night she decides we need to do a big Headhunt purge. I disagree. I argue that even some of the more 'game worn' ones should not be thrown out, but should be put in a box for free giveaway at the tourney. She argued that no one will want a 10 year old worn shirt. I disagree. They are great fishing shirts, collectors items, and chick slayers.
We decided to start bringing shirts out from the closet, found a few random boxes hidden under the bed, the laundry, and other random places. There were a lot. So many that we got the kids involved to order them by year. By the end, we had found 74 Headhunt t-shirts in my possession (keep in mind we did this exercise last year).
Send me something for this blog - picture, report, or just some content, and you will go to the top of the draft order. There are some beauties in there. May even throw in some of the test special edition shirts, one of the visors, or the 'RIP Headhunt' shirt I had made for Xmas the year (one of many) my family wanted to shut this baby down. Not happening. I need something to wear.
(fishing report would typically be here if I caught anything)