Team Powe, led by their fearless captain (not to be confused with boat captain Seamus) TJ Mahony, has announced they will be reentering the Harwich Headhunt Tourney in '09.
"We always knew we would be back, but after catching 500 lbs of stripers in a single day and only coming in 3rd, we questioned the format of the tourney", stated Mahony.
"If we kicked the most ass, and caught the most fish, shouldn't we be recognized as the first place team? Sure, I saw the winning fish and it was an absolute monster, but come on, that thing looked like it had been sitting in the back of someone's yard for the past week and pumped with HGH."
Team Powe questioned the time of day, month and some even the year, of when the '08 winning fish was actually caught. However, an official autopsy report conducted by Bill Burke (he claims to be a licensed EMT) concluded, "Hatfield's fish is legit... Tell TJ and Team Po-Po to stop crying".
When asked for a rebuttal to Burke's findings, Mahony stated, " Have you ever met Bill Burke??? You can safely assume anything Bill Burke says is either (i) completely false (ii) a flat out lie or (iii) incomprehensible depending on when he was last spotted at the 28 club."
When called at home for final comment Bill Burke could not be reached - he was apparently at the 28 Club.