My brother got his first fish of the year last night, trolling off of my 12 ft zodiac in Plymouth. The 15” schoolie fell victim to the killer spread we had running about 8:30 last night. Combine that schoolie with the 3 that I have now caught, with the lack of a boat, and the Burke brothers are going to be hard to beat this year in the tourney. We’re counting on our ringer from Rhody to make it happen, but I’m not sure how the zodiac will do on Bearses if that’s out only option. As I said before, the T-Shirts are in and they are sweet – I may wear one every day for the rest of the year. Sponsors will be getting free shirts, and thank you again for your support. We’ll contact you, but if you have a site and want it linked to our site, just send it along – otherwise we’ll just direct everyone to www.flipkey.com. Keeping with the plugging of sponsors, now a quick plug of a jig. Mick Carrier, the only captain to win the tournament other than the big Three of O’Brien, Charlotte and Gordie, sent me a note that he is back in for this year’s tourney, and wants to share the wealth of his winning ways. In 2006 when Mick took the crown, he got the winning fish on a “Screamin Banshee” lure. Mick just got an order in and is selling them, so drop him a line if you want one of these. I’m definitely getting a couple just because of the name, but we have used these in the past as well, and they are money on the rips – kind of the opposite of Captain Maydor. The lures can also be found at Sunrise Bait & Tackle (our official weight station and official OTW Striper Cup weigh station) and a few more details are below – The 35 year old NEW Striper/Bluefish Jig - Developed and fished for 35 years by Cape charter captain, Ron McVickar, on the “Banshee”Two color, crimped nylon hairRugged 8/0 Mustad hookDurable Sinter-coated head paintEpoxy-coated wrapDesigned to fish the rips or slow trollTip it with an Uncle Josh Sea StripAvailable in these color combinations – Primary Belly Color Bait ImitatedRed White Squid
Red Yellow Squid
Red Flor. Pink Squid
Purple White Menhaden,Herring
Purple Yellow Herring
Purple Flor. Pink Menhaden, Herring
Flor. Pink White Krill, Squid
Black Dark Green Herring, Pogies, Yo’ MamaContact: Mick Carrier, 508-430-2690 or better still, [email protected]Wait, does that last one say ‘Yo’Mama’? I want some of those. I think they should all have names like that. I’ll take 4 Yo’Mamas, 3 Commie Pigs, and one Flying Eat Me please. This tourney is not a money making endeavor, so we’re just trying to spread the word here on some quality products that we know have the ability to win this tourney. Feel free to send anything along you want to share with the collective headhunters and any thoughts on the lure you think will win this years tourney. I’m going with either a live eel or a broken back jitterbug. If you send us the lure you think will win, and it does, you'll get a free tshirt, bud light and a high five at the after party. On a sad note, Chevron wrote back that they are not helping us with gas either, and their message was a little more terse, basically giving me some condescending corporate bs.. So far Mobile and BP sent nice personal notes, Chevron said screw, and the Saudis haven’t responded yet. Next maybe I’ll write Bill Burke and see if he’ll give us a discount on his proposed vegetable cooking oil diesel fuel. Have another Billy!