Come on, let’s rally the troops and help a brother out. Speaking of, what about the champion Burnbag helping out his bro? Either way, let’s get this guy a boat. Team Jackal is already carrying dead weight, so no dice there, but we’ll drag a kayak behind us to get you out to the rips if need be – new cut should help if you want to paddle out solo.
Still trying to get some sponsorships in but the crew from ‘Captain Jack’ is back in – I think they may have bragged about a 5th place finish, but they’re in and also donating a pair of Ray Ban Aviators – love it. If anyone else has anything for prizes, or donations, let us know.
Also working on getting the word out for local custom rod maker – Chris Aubut – who makes sweet rods – check them out here – We hope to get Chris involved this year and definitely grab a rod for the tourney.
May get out tuna fishing this weekend, but doubtful, like every other trip I seem to plan these days. Saw that Corduroy’s buddy posted a 92’ fish caught on spinning gear yesterday and have seen reports of 4 other 70’+ fish caught in last few days. If anyone is headed out – let us know.
And please keep this guy in your thoughts, and try to get him on a boat. The Headhunt needs him. You need him.