This is the first official blog post for the Headhunt, but the excitement is already brewing. So far we have about 10 boats confirmed, with another 10 up in the air, especially with the slacker population who will sign up and pay the day before. This years tourney is shaping up to be the biggest, and best yet, with the trash talking well under way, new entrants, including our Rhody buddies who slay (or so they say) the bass down in the Charlestown area, and think they can come up our way and do some damage. There are also familiar faces like Mike O’Brien and crew (two time champs) who are always tough to beat, and now Seamus who put in about an hour last year, but could be the early favorite since he charters in the area and is looking to dominate the trash talking at the Hot Stove in Harwichport. My wifes uncle, who has been there since the beginning, will be back in action, and hopefully will heed our advice on bucktails and sand eels and leave the scup at home.
I should be back on the Wild Goose with my brother, my dad (a liability) and our buddy Rob who usually sticks to freshwater but is eager to get back out and drink some beers and talk local politics. Hopefully engine troubles won’t bite us like last year, and since we started this freakin thing, it is about time we won. As of now, that is the prediction –
- Wild Goose winning this shindig
- O’Brien and crew coming in second
- Seamus missing the tourney after being out partying with his boys from home too late the night before and getting in a fight with a waitress he forgot to call
- Our boys on Sea Fever slamming the dog fish all day
Popped my cherry for the season tonight, got two schoolies in Warren Cove in Plymouth, which may not be much, but still puts me ahead of my brother and our boy Ethan, who are now trailing Ben, Tria, and I for last one to catch a bass this season. I will be hitting Warren Cove again tomorrow (from shore) and probably give the North End a shot this week after work in Boston. Spread the word on the Headhunt, and tshirts should be ready soon – we have a new logo, a new design for the shirts, and just need to get the Goose out on the water and prepped for battle - June 30th isn’t too far away.