The run-up to the 6th annual Harwich Headhunt is officially underway.
I want to first off thank my brother Ryan getting this website updated and the ball rolling again on this year's fishing event. I have been getting off along winter with the little ones and my older computer has finally begun to fail me over the last couple of months. My new PC is in the mail so I will be back into the planning mode soon enough. Until then I will keep working behind the scenes out here in Harwich with the locals who are what this tournament is all about.
I can tell you that we are already getting tons of support from the locals and any and every time I stop by the "Hot Stove" Saloon a planning meeting of sorts occurs with a good mix of support, sponsorship, beers, and trash talk.
I am now beginning to also touch base with Cape Cod tackle shops to see how much they may want to be involved in addition to trying to find the Burke family a new boat. We just feel like any exposure that we can give to local business and beyond while we gain popularity is a win win situation for everyone involved.
Well, I am off to the kiddos again as even getting a half an hour on the computer on a Sunday these days is rare and I do not want to push my luck. Brado "Hunter" Burke is a complete madman and when I am doing something he wants to, especially when I’m on the computer, is a complete disaster.
If anyone has any T-shirt design ideas please feel free to send them ([email protected]) . Any ideas would be much appreciated so we can get them printed earlier this year