In other words, get signed up asap so we can get a better handle as to what we have for a field of teams and so we know what we are going to be able to give away for prize money.
This year we are going to be raffling a couple of those Quantum reels to any teams in the tourney who do not place or win.
In addition, to get things rolling we are giving anyone who has already signed up for the tourney two chances to land one of those reels. We are also going to give any other person two raffle tickets who gets their registration form and money into us by Monday. Get your money in, double your chances to walk away with some gear.
All registrations after Monday only get one ticket per person but this is all a bonus either way as we have never before offered these prizes.
If you really have to bag out for legit reasons we will give your money back. It’s not about what money we need it is just about knowing what it is we are able to give away so we’re not scrambling last minute like we always end up doing.
We went out yesterday at the worst possible time right on the slack which we knew but we needed to get at least past the point once before it became even more complete and utter chaos in my head.
We hit slack, caught some blues and a giant dogfish and were called in by the ladies after 45 minutes. We knew it was going to happen as we had made dinner plans and reservations. I am not sure what we were thinking? It was one of those put your head in the sand moves which at least got us moving in the right direction if nothing else.
Hope everyone had a good 4th! We’re headed out tuna fishing tomorrow if anyone is out there!