Went to the aquarium today, bringing the family and getting into the mindset for the upcoming fishing season. Things were going great (other than my niece dropping her plastic snake into the penguin pool by mistake), until I came across the exhibit for the local waters. There were a couple cod, haddock and then I saw the one striped bass emerge from the back of the tank. There were hundreds of kids around but I just couldn’t move. Our eyes locked. I literally sat and stared at the lone striper, watching his every move. I was just trying to soak in every last detail, his movement, his attitude, how he interacted with other fish, trying to get that one little piece of information that could be the difference on Headhunt Day. I am Sun Tzu.
In reality, the one striped bass they have looked like a mutated version of one of those landlocked ones and like it was about to die any second, so I walked past it to check out the gar in the Amazon tank.
Speaking of that, why can’t they have a better local exhibit? I sat outside of the aquarium last August drinking a beer while throwing hot dog buns to literally 20 lb stripers in broad daylight in between the ferries, but they only have ONE inside? I think about how sweet the Monterrey, CA aquarium is – partly because their kelp forest tank is so cool, and literally shows what is about 200 yards offshore. Imagine some sweet tank that showed the underwater scene of cow bass lined up on up along a rip. Or just throw some bluefish in with the piranhas and see who scares the kids more.
Anyway, tourney is coming up and we need a picture for the back of this year’s t-shirts. Anyone who has an idea, or a cool picture of a fish or boat – send it along and you’ll get a line item on your resume and a couple free t-shirts. Send any/all ideas to [email protected].
Lastly, anyone else love Tred Barta? I’m sure some of you folks don’t know him, but his show The Best and Worst of Tred Barta is great. He is a little hokey at times, but I love him – going off on fisheries management by the NMFS is great, and his last page article in Sport Fishing magazine is the best read in the business. The point is, we need Tred. The “Barta Way” is very Headhunt – so I’m going to see if he wants in. Given that has close to zero chance, anyone who knows him or has an angle on him let me know since I’m going to reach out in the next couple weeks.
It’s kind of like when I tried to get the oil companies to help us out on gas costs last year? That worked well – even Chavez said no. Oh well.
Check out the Headhunt’s first press from the Culture Junkie!! Thank you!!