Jason and his crew run a website and podcast at capecodsportbags.com. Check it out. I like the site’s piece on why world cup soccer flopping could be the reason that the game of soccer may never fully catch on in the US. I am a soccer fan (and even former player of some sort) but fully believe, as they do, that flopping plays way too much a part of the game.
I am fully disgusted with the flopping aspect of soccer and at the World Cup. It ruined the game for me, and I feel that needs to be said in the open as much as possible so some entity may be able to change it for the better of the sport.
I may need to join in with Jason and his crew more on this subject but now is not the time to talk soccer.
Now is the time to talk fishing competition and this Saturday’s Harwich Headhunt. The t-shirts are better than ever, the competition is fiercer than ever, and lips are sealed more than ever.
I do think that people are quieter this year because they are more serious about winning, but also because they have no clue how to attack the catch this Saturday. They may have some ideas -- our team does -- but a clue??? Our team is all over the chart with our approach but we are looking forward to the challenge of another year of striped bass tournament fishing. We created this event for this type of competition which is why we enjoy this type of challenge.
We’re team “JACKAL” – we’re ready. Bring it on.
Best of luck out there but not really especially to Capt Seamus and his Jailbreak crew of TJ, Petey, and Jeremy, and a few new members from Boston. Quote from their crew earlier tonight “the only thing we are bringing on Seamus's boat are beers, smokes and bananas”. True story, but they actually did bring bananas on the boat last year, and pulled them out once they got onto the rips and asked Seamus if he wanted one. They had no idea about the bad luck (and still don’t really) but the pics of Seamus’ face after were priceless.
We also always wish the worst for the “old school” multi champion Mike O’Brien and crew and we are once again against the bay boats no matter what.
Let’s get ready to rumble.