It is nice to see some chatter heat up on the blog board, and for those of you experiencing technical difficulties (including my brother Ahab and even a BC grad which brings a tear to my eye), email me at [email protected] if you are still having problems. If you want to post your own blog, email it to me and I will put it up. If you want to just respond to a blog like this one by posting a comment, just click on the comments on the top right of the blog, and then you will see all the posted comments and at the end you should be able to ‘leave a reply’. If that doesn’t work (after hitting f5 to refresh), shoot me an email or give me a call. It sounds like the fishing is continuing to heat up, with some of the local yokels getting out this weekend and doing well on the bass. I was able to get out to the SW corner of Stellwagen for tuna but we were shut out, as were most of the boats we saw out there Sat morning. Our boys who went out with us picked up a 42” bass on a squid bar, but got jittery about the 3 mile rule and threw it back. Classic.Speaking of conservation, with all of the sponsorship around this year’s tourney, and the national media attention, we thought we should reach out to our friends at big oil for a helping hand. No dice. I’ve been trying to position the Headhunt as a nice little State Farm-ish type marketing opportunity for these guys who currently have a PR blackeye – but with $30 billion in profit last quarter, I think we may be too big of a fish for them. Just imagine how sweet a TV commercial, maybe a little Celine Dion music, and a hot girl in a suit with an Exxon Mobil hardhat helping Seamus off the boat and doing a no look toss of her credit card to the gas attendant at the dock while Seamus and her have a laugh, then maybe more as it cuts to an ad for Exxon and some local community support slogan. Pure gold. Well, so far Exxon Mobile and BP/Castrol have refused, but have been nice enough to respond at least – Ryan,Many thanks for your email, and for considering Castrol for this opportunity. Regretably, I am would not be able to offer you any assistance at this time. Our advertising and marketing budgets are generally agreed on an annual basis. Our funds also tend to be focused on national media and event opportunities and we don't maintain any funds for direct support of local events like yours. I wish you every success with this year's tournament and join with you in hoping that gas prices return to sanity in the very near future !Paul GiblettCommunications ManagerBP Lubricants USA Inc. Maybe Gibbie needs to see a picture of Seamus in his white boots. Anyway, I’ll keep fighting the good fight to try to pump this tourney up and maybe even cut some fuel costs, but I doubt it will happen. If I don’t hear back from anyone else soon, I’ll give Chavez a call. For the tourney, it warms my heart to see Harry Corduroy and his crew back in action, and I’ve recently gotten some interest from a boat in Cotuit, another in Hyannis, and had another group of our city slicker friends charter a boat out of Saquatucket, so things are starting to build even if we actually don’t have $1 in registration yet. Right now, and this is early, it looks like the current boats are – Burke bros – we do not have a boat, but may hijack one Somalia style Team Powe – Jailbreak Sportfishing and the city slobsTeam Scalabrine – 2nd city crew that looks to be chartering ShackletonAssquatch – crew of tourney vets out of Plymouth, still deciding on their vesselEscape Landscape – landscaping guru who earned his stripes on the Goose until he went Kobe on usO’Brien and gang – the 3 time champs will obviously be back in – no word yet on the boat or final crew. Team Hedmark – Eric and the boys will try to take a piece of the glory his wife has captured – 3 times!Harry Corduroy – the boys will be back and drunk as everHammerheads – new entry out of Cotuit from the owner of Hammerhead Creatives (who may be donating a few coozies!)Dan Casey – fished Allen Harbor tourney last year (which was same day) but will have his sweet rig out of Allen Harbor Restless – Ernie and the crew fished it last year, should have them back Team Bushy – We don’t have Bush (yet) – but this team from Falmouth should be inPerfect Drift – More tourney vets we hope make it backBadmen – Couple of greenhorns who could make the trip out of HyannisK40 – Tourney veteran and fan favorite needs to make it back, even if he doesn’t have his old sled he sold this past winterMick Carrier – The only tourney winner other than O’Brien, Charlotte and GordoCharlie Moore – Haven’t heard back from him for the first time in tourney history, but we want a piece of you.If you don't see your boat on here and you are going to enter, just let us know by sending us an email at [email protected] or register on this site. This is shaping up to be a solid tourney, and t-shirts will be ready next week for those who want one – either see my brother in a local bar, or shoot us an email to order some. If not, they’ll be plenty at the after party July 26th, where my brother and I will be busy all day selling them if we can’t find a boat for the day.